Happy Baby Water Ball
What does HaBaWaBa mean?
"A unique mission: to spread the love for water polo across the 5 continents and, together with it, the noble values of sport and coexistence"
HaBaWaBa is an English acronym that means "Happy Baby Water Ball", symbolizing the joy of a child practicing "the sport that is played with the ball in the water." The tournament was created by "Waterpolo Development" with the idea of expanding water polo and promoting the values of sports and coexistence.
HaBaWaBa was born in Italy in 2008 and has been held 11 times in Italy, four in North America and three in Greece. It is the most important and visible water polo tournament among children of training categories worldwide.
Waterpolo Development argues that the best way to achieve its goal of expanding the base of water polo around the world is to bring the sport closer to children aged 6 to 12 years old. With this in mind, the idea of the HaBaWaBa International Festival was born.
HaBaWaBa wants to teach children the true ethical values of sport through a water polo tournament in which socialization and respect for opponents are predominant factors and so competition turns into an encounter between different cultures and ethnicities.
The ball in the blue water attracts both children who are non-swimmers and those who have learned to swim, avoiding the premature abandonment of pools for other sports.
Small spaces and inexpensive equipment justify the budgets of the management of the pool as waterpolo schools can be organized.
The water-ball combination for those aged between 6 and 11 years is the only opportunity for water sports to see off the competition from other sports that attract children through play.
Involving families means spectators, fans and potential coaches are created.

- Enjoy a team sport and have fun in and out of the water.
- Promote inclusion, respect and coexistence between children of different cultures and backgrounds.
- To achieve a working environment to promote water polo by bringing together children, coaches, family and fans.
- Spread passion for water polo across the five continents and, along with it, the noble values of sport and co-existence.
Fun and ethics
Code of Ethics
The Passport of Champions
Fairness in a friendly challenge.

Respect for the opponent, considered as a friend with whom you can play.
Non-violence and respect for the rules.
Moral equality between who won and who has participated with honor. Here are all winners.
All forms of racism repudiation thanks to the integration of different ethnicities and cultures.